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pH miracle diet critics

In our society, when something is popular, you always get those people that will be waiting right there to trash it or at the very least, express their feelings on it. In the diet world, the pH miracle diet is the target.


The main argument of critics is that it wants people to become vegetarians. They say that because the protein income is so low that it becomes dangerous especially in the dairy side of it. Many believe that humans need a lot of proteins. Why? Because of all those low carb diet (which is high in proteins). They argue that society has been led to believe that health equals dairy foods and red meat.

Lots fear the effect of high proteins in their bodies and most don’t know that many healthy proteins are there and not only contained in red meat or dairy products. It’s a fact; humans get too many proteins every day. In a day women need 45 grams of protein, men need 55. Tofu lovers will be glad to know that one cup of tofu has 20 grams of protein in it. Another source of good proteins is beans. It will give you 16 grams per cup. So you can go vegetarian and get your proteins.

Another popular belief is that the more calcium we get (mainly believe to be dairy foods) the more stronger bones we get. Well even if the American women get two pounds of milk per day in average, 30 million suffers from osteoporosis. You see there is no proof that good bone quality comes from dairy food says nutritionist Amy Joy Lanou. Her study showed that. Calcium can be found in many alkalizing food therefore preventing osteoporosis.

The pH miracle diet suggests we eat 70% of our daily food income to be in fruits or veggies. Obviously anyone doing that will improve their health, wont need alkalizing food and critics won’t deny it, but they won’t agree on the pH balance aspect of the diet.

One way to bring the acid down is cut the wheat and many did it with astonishing results. Strange in a sense that wheat is not thought as a bad source of food but those with high acid in them and cut wheat had improvements to their health. With all those alkalizing vegetables available in the diet everyone can benefit form it whether you want it or not.

For the book now… Some say that the book is too radical for everyday life. Just the fact of removing milk and animal protein will be too much for most people. They just have to eat one of those products they ‘cannot’ eat. Eating veggies and plants all the time is mean. But there are some who don’t follow the diet at 100% and still see great results.

Basically the pH miracle diet has the same goal as every other diets: better health. Of course they are aware that people can only take it a day at a time. You got to give the people a chance to adapt. Slowly but surely is the best way to deal with it. Of course the diet is overwhelming if you follow 100% of it at the start; you are of course used to eat a certain way. Just give it time and your health will improve.


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